Three Words

Three words: Parenting. Is. Hard.

Story: This morning we went to the library, like we do most mornings, except this morning Beau wasn’t in the mood to listen. So after only 5 minutes of being there, I was that Mom dragging her screaming child out of the library with people glaring at her.

We both cried the whole way home.

I got Beau his “nana” and a bottle of milk and I got my ice cold DP and we put our feet up.

We didn’t talk to each other for probably ten minutes. After those minutes of silence, Beau looked up at me and asked “you okay?” Everything that had just happened at the library melted away.

I realized that even though parenting is hard, it is also so incredibly rewarding. It’s difficult sometimes learning to be patient as he learns and grows, but little moments like this make all those hard moments worth it.

So to all my friends out there doing this parenting thing, you can do it. 🖤

And I’m completely freaking out about having another little kiddo next month. 🎀

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