I’m back!

Well, that 31 Day blog challenge didn’t go as expected. But we have had some crazy, amazing things happen in our life.

For one, I’m pregnant! And it’s a girl!!! I’m due the middle of September and it has been a rough pregnancy, but thankfully I have had my toddler to distract me.


The second thing that happened is my husbands business took off and is doing great. They are booked out a few months and are constantly working, but it is wonderful to see him genuinely happy and enjoying what he does.

The third thing that happened is we sold our house and started fixing up my in-laws old farmhouse. It has been very challenging especially being pregnant and having a toddler and my husband starting a new business, but it has also been such a blessing. We love living in the country and are enjoying the peaceful evenings together in our little farmhouse.

(Two side notes about this photo: 1. No, that is not our farmhouse. 😅 That’s our barn next to our farmhouse. 2. Someone dropped kittens off at our barn one night. There is a momma cat and six kittens, but only these two orange ones are friendly and have stuck around. So they are officially family now. [Moose is still getting use to Spaz and Taz.] Just another exciting thing that has happened.)

But with all these exciting things happening in our life, I haven’t had the time to sit down a write. Thankfully things are starting to slow down and we have a better routine that I am hoping I’ll be able to stick with it better.

I love to write and post about things that I have learned or that I enjoy so that maybe someone will find it helpful and insightful and hopefully, my family will be able to look back on this and learn about the person I am striving to be.

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