Lists. Lists. Lists.

I love making lists. Grocery lists, packing lists, Christmas lists, anything that you can put in list form, I do.

I’m a little OCD when  it comes to getting things done and if I don’t have a list to visualize my tasks, I feel like I don’t accomplish anything.

Lists, in my little world, make life a little simpler. They make me feel like I can accomplish tasks and help me clear my mind.

I have also started making lists while studying my scriptures. It helps me to go back and review what I have been studying and remember certain parts that stuck out to me and places I want to study more about.

List Blog

I make a list of principles that I learn along with their references. For instances,

  • Be a light so through you others can see Him. Matthew 5:16
  • Be kind to those that aren’t like you. Matthew 5:44
  • Follow in Christ’s footsteps. Matthew 5:48
  • Don’t boast about the service you do. Matthew 6:2-4
  • Forgive to be forgiven. Matthew 6:14-15
  • Christ knows you and what you need and He will bless you. Matthew 6:24-34
  • Treat others how you want them to treat you. Matthew 7:12
  • Build your foundation on Jesus Christ. Matthew 7:24-27

(I bet you can’t tell what I studied this week.)

I think making lists of the principles that you find while studying the scriptures will help you recognize the things you need to work on and the things you need to stop doing.

I also made a list of all the scriptures that I enjoyed and want to remember or memorize later. I also usually put a little heart next to my favorite verses.

Lists are simple to make and really do make you feel like you have accomplished something, even if all you do is make the list.


I have also attached my “Today I am Grateful For” printable with 10 spots for you to fill in or doodle all around the page.  Enjoy!

Grateful List Printable


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