Nothing is impossible


This is a picture of the front of our refrigerator.

I love taking pictures and I love displaying physical pictures all around our apartment, especially on the fridge because let’s be real, 75% of my day is spent in the kitchen cooking or cleaning.

Pictures and quotes are what keep me on track in this busy, hectic world that we live in. If I find something that inspires me from Pinterest, the scriptures, or church, I usually write it down and put it somewhere that I can see it. Post it notes are my best friend.

But what I try to focus my life on is Jesus Christ because He is my Savior and my Redeemer. He atoned for my sins so that I can repent of the mistakes I make daily and strive to become more like Him.

The picture of Christ in the middle is entitled “The Second Coming.”


This is my favorite picture because it’s bright and cheerful and reminds me that Christ is going to come again and that I need to be prepared for when that day comes.

The verse that I keep on this picture is from Luke in the New Testament. It’s in chapter 1 verse 37 which reads, “For with God nothing shall be impossible.”

Kind of crazy to think that if we put our faith in Jesus Christ and do His will, that we will be able to get through anything and everything. NOTHING will be impossible if we have the Lord on our side.

So why do we doubt, stress, worry, and overwhelm ourselves? Because that’s what Satan wants us to do. He wants us to be unhappy like him. He wants us to fail. He wants us to be sad and miserable like him.

But guess what? We don’t have to doubt, stress, worry, and be overwhelmed because we have Christ on our side. With Him, we will never lose. With Christ “nothing shall be impossible.”

This little reminder each day helps me to remember that I can do it. I can be happy. I can let an offending remark pass by. I can let the house be a mess while I read to my son. I can do anything because I have Christ on my side.



Something for you to ponder on:

What are some ways you keep yourself on track with following in the footsteps of Jesus Christ?

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